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Patch 6.2 Note Update: Fury of Hellfire


According to official site, Blizzard updated the Fury of Hellfire Patch 6.2 notes content. It includes Zone unlock, New Garrison feature of Shipyard and Naval Missions, new raid, new Dungeon difficulty, and Bonus Events and so on. Some class changes and non-class related nerfs are given.

Patch 6.2 Update: Flying Achievements Added


After the announcement of Fury of Hellfire arriving date, Blizzard will introduce the new option in upcoming update to Patch 6.2. We know that this patch has added new areas and zones, and flying feature is the most heated talk among gamers and developers. Now, players will have a fly through the skies of Draenor. Of course, it will not be as easy as purchasing a mount or just adding a flying skill, but as an achievements added for players.

World of Warcraft Patch 6.2: Fury of Hellfire Will Arrive on June 23


According to, patch 6.2 Fury of Hellfire arrives June 23, on Tuesday. Players will be able to build their shipyard and Venture into Tanaan Jungle to face Gul’dan and the twisted remnants of the Iron Horde. With it we’ll get the new Hellfire Citadel raid, classic dungeons through Timewalking, the new Tanaan Jungle zone, garrison shipyards, and, of course, the first steps towards flying in Draenor. WoW gears with reasonable prices and the latest news are offered here!

TimeWalking and Dungeons Will Available in Two of Seven Weekends


World of Warcraft patch 6.2 has introduced many new features and changes. According the official website, Timewalking and Dungeons will become available in two of seven weekends at level of 71 and higher for Outland Dungeons or more than 81 and Northrend Dungeons. You can buy WoW items on this reliable shop to perform better in World of Warcraft.

WoW Developers Q&A on Reputations and Quests


In the previous news, we reported the World of Warcraft leader designer Ion Hazzikostas talking about flying issues on the latest Q&A. Flying is always the thing that most players concern about, and it seems that Ion responded the questions from gamers. Today, we are going to give the brief information about Reputation and Quests discussion in Patch 6.2 on this Q&A. If you are going to buy WoW items to complete more missions, you can choose this site to find the best!

WoW: Flying Talks from Ion Hazzikostas on Q&A


Since the latest expansion of World of Warcraft, players have been closely concerning about the question when they are able to fly again. The new expansion, as we reported before, restricted players to ground mounts when it launched. In a recent interview with the World of Warcraft leader developer Ion Hazzikostas, he confirmed that Blizzard plans to add flying into new zones of Warlords of Draenor expansion pack.

WoW: New Feature Shipyard Preview in Patch 6.2


Patch 6.2 is an exciting one for World of Warcraft, as it can introduce new zone, new area, new raid and a special feature - shipyard and naval missions you can build your own ships. You can build once your character has upgraded a garrison to level 3. With a shipyard added, you can have ships constructed that can then be sent on naval missions, which Blizzard says it will be talking about more as development continues.

Blizzard Plans to Allow Flying Mounts Back to Draenor


Good news: In an interview, World of Warcraft leader designer Ion Hazzikostas revealed that Blizzard plans to add flying into new zones of Warlords of Draenor expansion pack. Ever since players started hitting level 100 back in November, the masses have been rallying to get flying mounts allowed in the areas of Warcraft's latest expansion.

World of Warcraft: 4 Factions of Tanaan Jungle in Patch 6.2


After we introduced you the new area, new zone and new raid in Patch 6.2, we are here to give you some information about factions and reputations. The new Zone Tanaan Jungle has 4 factions. If you hunt more achievements and reputations, you can read the details of factions carefully and prepare for it well.

Patch 6.2 Adds a New Mount Infernal Direwolf, and Darkmoon Faire Race


In the previous article, we introduced you the preview of new raid in Patch 6.2, Hellfire Citadel. Today the new mount Infernal Direwolf was added, and it can be earned by completing the Glory of Hellfire Raider achievement. You can read the details about the new raid on our website.

WoW: Versatility items Issue on New Season’s PVP Gear


After patch 6.2 arrived on Public Test Realm, many new features and changes have attracted players. At the same time, gamers gave their feedback on PVP about Versatility item are being handled on the official forum. As for the issue, the game designer Desvin responded the importance of Versatility items in 6.2 PVP gear, and nothing important has changed.

WoW Patch 6.2: Hellfire Citadel Preview


In the previous article, we have reported the Patch 6.2 preview of new quests and new areas. Hope you make a good preparation for that. Today, another new feature of patch 6.2, Hellfire Citadel goes live, with details regarding the individual bosses, item levels, and more. Included are some designer notes regarding how and why each boss ended up the way they are for this zone! If you need WoW gears to explore the new zone, select the most reliable site,

World of Warcraft Patch 6.2 PTR Updates


On Tuesday, updated the WoW Patch 6.2 PTR notes again. These include several changes in the game's Garrison Buildings (Salvage Yard Gray Items ), Classes, User Interface, Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry. Here we are going to introduce you the latest information about World of Warcraft as well as exclusively WoW gears with discount prices! The details of patch notes are as following:

WoW: Some In-game Events You Can Celebrate in This Month


Good news for World of Warcraft players! there are several annual events to celebrate in this month. According to, the revelry this month takes form in the midsummer Fire Festival; a celebration of the hottest time of year. The monthly return of the Darkmoon FaMire is also coming up so. For those who are eager to complete more missions, buying WoW gears at discount prices is much safer and cheaper at this site!

World of Warcraft Patch 6.2, Ashran Updates with New Quests and Area


According to, WoW Warlords of Draenor’s PVP zone will get new quests and new area to explore . In this article, we will give you a brief introduction about what you will encounter on the glorious battlefield between Warspear and Stormshield.

WoW: The New Tanaan Jungle Zone Feature Worth Expecting


The latest patch for World of Warcraft has been available for testing for weeks, and it has brought many new features and changes. Among them, the new zone Tanaan Jungle is one of the most exciting and notable ones. However, do you know what exactly to expect the WoW patch? Here we would like to give you a general summary below to help you prepare for the exploration better!

World of Warcraft: Changes Coming to Personal Loot System


World of Warcraft developer team clarifies that they can make some improvements on Personal Loot system which provides several advantage to stable group types. There are three adjustment will come to Personal Loot, and you can read the details below. If you need enough WoW gold online explore in the improved areas, you can rest assured to purchase WoW gold at this reliable site!

World of Warcraft Patch 6.2: New Superior Rare Followers Added


World of Warcraft patch 6.2 PTR has brought many new features and changes to the game. Most of them are exciting. Among them, the three new superior rare followers added in Tanaan Jungle are really worth your attention. They are WoW Pallas, WoW Solar Priest Vayx, and Dowser Goodwell. To help your characters become stronger and accomplish more missions,

World of Warcraft: Players Reflected Flying Issue


In previous articles, we have mentioned that the World of Warcraft designer leader Ion Hazzikostas confirmed that they have no intention of flying mounts in the Warlords of Draenor in the future. Since the WoW second expansion, Burning Crusade, players have been able to obtain flying mounts—usually after seeing much of each expansion’s new content on foot and hitting the new level cap.

World of Warcraft News: Bot “Honorbuddy” Designer Planning a Return


Last week, we reported that Blizzard has banned about 100,000 cheating subscribers who use bot Honorbuddy form World of Warcraft for 6 months, and Bot designer Bossland admitted the defeat and was closing the shop. Now the latest news is that , Bossland has announced their plans for a triumphant return to World of Warcraft.


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