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WoW: Blackrock Foundry End-boss Was Killed In 3 Minutes


After Blizzard released patch 6.2, players seemly have come to new stage of World of Warcraft, and they try to accomplish different challenges. Especially when they own better WoW gears, they will do more and more crazy things in Warlords of Draenor’s current raid.

World of Warcraft Patch 6.2 PTR: New WoW Items


World of Warcraft patch 6.2 PTR hotfixes went live on April 20. Some wow items and changes have been introduced. Below we give you a summary list of notes. Read on if you are intersted. Especially the Left Shark is going to be a WoW item in World of Warcraft. You have come to one of the top wow gold sites. Here not only can you find WoW items, but also fast and safe delivery await you!

World of Warcraft Token for Europe Will Go Live on April 21st


New WoW item, token has already been live in America (including North America, Latin America and New Zealand) since April 7th. This new subscription currenty can be exchange for game time and WoW gold. Gamers can buy it with real money. However, as we reported previously, the price of the token fluctuate drastically. The WoW token will be available for £15 from the in-game Shop, and will be set at a starting price of 35,000 WoW gold in the Auction House.

WoW Patch 6.2 PTR: New Naval Warfare Feature


After the release of the latest patch 6.2 PTR of World of Warcraft. There are many new features and changes introduced, like garrison shipyards ocean-faring war vessels, and timewalking and so on. As we mentioned previously, players will be able to embark on naval missions using ships built in their own shipyards when patch 6.2 is finally released. Don't forget to purchase WoW gears from this reliable site!

Blizzard Releases New Tokens to Fight Farming Gold


Since WoW tokens were released on April 7th, most players have been ready for buying wow gold. Every gamer knows that gold farming is an inevitable part of online gaming. Not everybody hasthe time or desire to farm the gold necessary for repairs, equipment, potions, and other in-game products in games like. World of Warcraft, and choose to purchase in-game currency with real money to get a leg up despite it typically being against the terms of service.

WoW Patch 6.2, New Feature “Timewalking” Will Come to Old Dungeons


After WoW patch 6.2 PTR goes live, some upcoming features and changes have caused the players’s attention. Blizzard clarifies one speical feature which will come back to old school Dungeons. Good news is that with Patch 6.2, Blizzard will allow you to queue up for a randomly selected old dungeon that your character's power and gear will be scaled down to match. If you are looking for somewhere to buy WoW items, then you have come to the best site!

World of Warcraft: You Can Build Ships in Next Content Patch


World of Warcraft new content patch 6.2 PTR just released. In the first patch, we only got a few Garrison tweaks and a selfie camera. Now, the second content patch notes have released, and there is a new raid, a new outdoor zone, dungeons are getting a harder difficulty setting, and there’s a new Garrison feature—the Shipyard! So you are able to build Ships. For more details about WoW, you can head over to the official site!

WoW News: Patch 6.2 PTR Notes Now Available


WoW news: Patch 6.2 PTR was just released. Gamers are Raiding Hellfire Citadel, finishing the legendary ring quest line, and seeing new Mythic dungeon difficulty! There will also be naval Garrison missions and more. Hope you are ready for it. If you want to read the detailed patch notes, head on over to the official site. If you want to get testing yourself, start by copying your character and downloading the PTR client.

World Of Warcraft: Do You Know These Ten Best Inns in Azeroth


These days, most gamers focus on the fluctuated WoW tokens prices. Indeed, it is wise of you to wait for its stablity and make the decision. Here we are going to list the 10 great inns in World of Warcraft. With people levelling their characters super fast nowdays, the inns of World of Warcraft no longer function as hubs where you can heal after doing a bunch of quests. And many of them have great features.

WoW’s New Subscription Token Plummets a Quarter in a Single Day


WoW token has been live for neary 2 days. Many players rush to buy WoW gold with real money. However, here we are here to suggest you wait a while. Blizzard said last month that it would set an initial value and then let it fluctuate based on supply and demand. Initially, Blizzard set the in-game price at 30,000 gold, but it said that the price would change depending on the market.

Crimeans Players Get Blocked From World of Warcraft and D3


Serious news: Blizzard blocks Crimeans gamers from WoW, Diablo 3, Hearthstone and other video games. That means the Crimeans players can no longer access According to the the Moscow Times, "In accordance with current trade regulations relating to the region of Crimea, we are legally required to suspend access to your account." The games' publisher was forced to suspend the accounts in compliance with Western sanctions.

What You Need to Know About WoW New Subscription Tokens


In the previous article, we have mentioned the the WoW new tokens go on sale in game Shop on April 7th. Great news for players, especially for those who get stuck the game. The new WoW items provide the gamers with a new method to buy game time and gold from other players. Blizzard says the new payment option offers a way for players to "simply and securely exchange gold and game time with each other,"

WoW: New Tokens are Available to Purchase Today


As reported previously, a new currency which can be used to buy game-time or sold for in-game WoW gold, WoW tokens are arriving today. With the new WoW items, players have the option to play World of Warcraft without the need to play for a monthly subscription. Blizzard announced the launch in March, and now, it is set to go live in the in-game shop on Tuesday April 7 in North America, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand.

WoW: A Five-Player Group Almost Killed 10-Man Raid


Kief and his friends, a five-player team almost killed all of the 10 bosses Blacrock Foundry which is the most coveted thing of most players. Now they move on for next new challenges. How about you? Dear friends, are you still trying to complete the challenging?Maybe you can read some guides for these bosses in the previous articles. By the way, it is wise of you to buy WoW items from this reliable site and enjoy a safe delivery!

April 1st, WoW Get T.I.N.D.E.R Box for Followers


Another April Fools, have you been fooled today? Blizzard always take it seriously thoughout the years. It's showcased all sorts of hilarious announcements concerning its games, surprising many fans before they realized it was all just a hoax. As a player, you can buy WoW items from this reliable site and the latest information about the game!

Guide for Geting Your Warlock Fel Fire in WoW at Level 100


Before days, we gave you the guides for how to get tho the old Outland. Now, at level 100 warlock, it is time for you get green fire in in WoD. Today, you are going to read the guides about how to start the quest, the quest chain, and The Black Temple part. In addition to some wise ways to get WoW items offered here, and it is convinient for you to buy WoW items from our site. Now, read on the guide!

WoW: Events Arranged on April 2015, This Month


March is coming to an end. Blizzard releases a handful of world events and special occurrences coming up in April, 2015. This month and season, some unique, time-limited content and opportunities were brought into World of Warcraft. As a WoW player, you have to focus on every update from Blizzard and expect for events.

WoW Blackrock Foundry Raid Guide for Operator Thogar


In last article, we have reported Blizzard released the new round hotfixes for Patch 6.1.2, which inlcuides summoned bosses and the Blackrock Foundary’s Iron Maidens being provided. Head over our webpage for more information! Today, we are going to introduce you the WoW Blackrock Foundry Guide for Operator Thogar. And you can also choose to buy WoW items here to help you accomplish challenges.

WoW: 6.1.2 Hotfixes Updated for March 27th, Several Issues Fixed

2015-03-29 released the new round of patch 6.1.2 hotfixes on March 27 since Patch 6.1.2 was available on March 23. The issues including Garrisons, Followers, Outposts, and Legendary Ring Quest Line have been fixed. And Garona can correctly eliminate a target now.

Blackrock Foundry Raid Schedule: Raid Finder Wing 4 Open


Blizzard releases the WoW Blackrock Foundry Raid scheduel in February, 2015. Now It’s time to take the assault against the Iron Horde to the next level in new Raid content. To help you plan your attack, we’ve broken down the unlock schedule for Blackrock Foundry and the third Draenor world boss – Rukhmar. Are you ready? If you want WoW items to help you accomplish the challenges, choose the disocunt ones from this reliable site!


Kindly Reminder:Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold.