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World of Warcraft: A List of Known Issues and Highlights in Legion

  • 2015-12-03 12:13:11

Blizzard reveals a list of known issues and highlights after inviting a few players to alpha testing. The issues include the broadcast line for the Hunter Order Hall formation experience can be seen by all nearby players.Legion Alpha template Warriors and Priests have a significant delay before beginning their Artifact experiences. The latest information about World of Warcraft: Legion will be updated here, and also you can buy spectral tiger and raid gear wow at the most reasonable prices! 

Players will not always be placed inside the Murky vehicle when interacting with Murky’s Egg. Demon Hunter faces can experience texture issues when cycling through tattoo customization options.

Here read post originally from official website:


Re-logging during “Stage 6 – The Purge” for Frost Death Knights will cause a client crash.
Legion Alpha template Warriors and Priests have a significant delay before beginning their Artifact experiences.
Balance Druids cannot use Teleport: Moonglade after completing the Karazhan Catacombs and obtaining their Artifact weapon.
Armaments of the Black Wyrm cannot be interacted with if you are not using the Protection specialization.
The Mistweaver scenario will sometimes not reset and can roadblock progression if players abandon “The Emperors Gift”.
Players will die after using the Essence of the Whirlwind to enter the Windwalker Monk artifact scenario.
The Warlock verison of “Following the Curse” will not update upon reaching Ariden’s Camp and cannot be completed while the PvP flag is enabled.


The completion page for “Where Respect is Due” is missing description information for the Glass-Extracted Leystone.
Players will not always be placed inside the Murky vehicle when interacting with Murky’s Egg during “Murlocs: The Next Generation” and “Oh, the Clawdacity!”
The War Eagle vehicle has a placeholder ability during “Justice Reigns From Above”

“Felstorm’s Plea” is lacking a quest header.

Order Halls:

Opening your map in the Dreamgrove will show a map of the Broken Shore.
The broadcast line for the Hunter Order Hall formation experience can be seen by all nearby players.
The broadcast line for the Warrior Order Hall formation experience can be seen by all nearby players.

Area triggers that check for a players faction do not function when the player is flagged for PvP.
Transports are not appearing.
Using the Rogue ability Run Through will cause the Esc key to lose functionality.

Character Models:
Blood Elf and Night Elf character models will default to HD, regardless of class.
Female HD Draenei do not loop the Stun animation.
Female SD Orcs may have missing geometry when equipping certain leg armor items.
Demon Hunter faces can experience texture issues when cycling through tattoo customization options.

Bows and crossbows are not animating or showing their ammo when reloaded.”

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