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WoW: Legion Transmog: Draenor Challenge Mode Weapon

  • 2016-02-01 12:25:19

Blizzard Twitter and official forum released some details about Draenor Challenge mode weapon will be account wide transmogable. One players asked “Will players that completed WOD challenge modes unlock all the weapon models for xmog? If not seems unfair to some classes.” on the forum, the Community Manager Aerythlea replied that The weapons transmogs you unlocked in Warlords of Draenor Challenge Modes are going to be account wide with the purchase of a token in Legion. As for more information about wow challenge mode and buying wow gold, keep close here!

Here is the original post:

“In #Legion you will be able to purchase a token that will unlock all Challenge Mode weapon appearances account-wide!

To clarify, only players who have completed all the Warlords of Draenor Challenge Mode Golds will be able to buy this token.”

Challenge Mode came out during the Mist of Pandaria (MoP) expansion in which player´s gear scale to a certain ilvl and they had to complete dungeons at heroic level. The goal was to complete the entire dungeon in a certain time, and depending on how long it took to complete the dungeon, they were rewarded with gold, silver or bronze.

Completing all dungeons in Challenge Mode with gold status, rewards transmog gear. In Mist of Pandaria it was an entire set except back and weapons. Do not miss the wod challenge modes for sale on raiditem! You will enjoy the lowest prices and top services here!

In WoD, the rewards are weapons. Challenge Mode gear has always been locked to the player that got the achievement. When Legion comes out, if you have completed the Challenge Mode WoD dungoens (during WoD exp), you can buy a token that unlocks the Challenge Mode weapons and make them account-wide.

Not stated yet how the MoP gear will turn out yet. Now it seems that you will only get the sets of the class you've already got them on. But as for where to buy gold for wow safely, raiditem is always your best answer!

More news about WoW: Legion, stay tuned! It is quite important for you to get prepared well for every upcoming change in the future. We hope you can take the wow in game gold, challenge mode boost, top wow power lvling services and other wow items here into consideration if you want to buy warcraft items faster and easier! Cheap FIFA 16 coins are also provided!

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Kindly Reminder:Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold.