Azsuna is a zone in southwestern part of the Broken Isles. It holds the ruins of the night elf civilization that existed prior to the Sundering. The naga are known to be present in this zone. The whole zone and the dungeon will make use of the newly-introduced Naga models.
Eye of Azshara: The new 5-player dungeon is located in Azsuna. This is where you contend with the minions of Queen Azshara and her naga. Buy wod challenge mode carry to make your character stronger!
The dungeon will have the following five bosses:
There's virtually no lore related to this dungeon for now, what we know is that we're here to stop Azshara's Naga forces. In addition, each boss has a negative effect once killed: Serpentrix grants Violent Winds, King Deepbeard grants Tidal Wave, Lady Hatecoil grants lightning strike. You can kill these bosses in any order, so plan to kill the one with the most annoying debuff for your group last!
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