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Tips for How to Prepare for Upcoming World of Warcraft Legion

  • 2016-04-26 15:49:50

On August 30, the new expansion of World of Warcraft Legion will be launched officially. For most players, it is the good time to get some wow gold, reputation, level up professions, and go through older content. In previous posts we have reported the adjustments and changes that hit the live server or will come to the expansion. Here we will share with you some tips for how to prepare for legion well. You can buy wow legion items and wow gold you need when you are playing!

Legion is getting a big wardrobe tab where players can collect transmog gear. Collecting shirts and various nice-looking BoE gear and then selling them on the Auction House when the transmog system is implemented might be a great way to make some gold. Or, you could just collect them to get all the transmog-related achievements on day 1. 
The last few months of an expansion is also the best time to go hunt for rare wow legion mounts =, pets or toys. With players going for a break, all the old zones are basically empty, and no one will disturb you while searching for a rare spawn. Once the expansion is out, all the spots will be crowded again.

The Garrison is an easy source of gold. So why not abuse it while it lasts. Be sure to get at least a level 2 Inn with Treasure Hunter followers, a Shipyard and a level 3 Salvage Yard to make as much wow gold as possible with follower missions. You can buy wow i

Some old items with special abilities are becoming toys in Legion to further expand the list of collectable stuff (and bag space). People can hunt these items anytime, but getting them early will give a big boost in the collection tab once the expansion is live.

Last time an expansion came out, the Brawler’s Guild, where players can fight against extremely hard monsters, and get from Rank 1 to Rank 8, got a reset. This is understandable because of the new level cap. So if you’re, say, around Rank 5, be sure to get to Rank 8 before the pre-patch.

Each class will get its own order hall in Legion with unique quests. Having a bunch of alts ready to experience all the different storylines is not a bad idea. There are five heirloom trinkets, dropping from Mythic dungeon bosses, that can help a lot boosting alts to level 100 or soon 110. If you want to level up faster, just buy wow leveling from raiditem!

Legion is a few month away. Hope you guys can do something effective before legion comes out. In the meantime, we are updating more information about world of warcraft, so you can keep close here for the latest news. And don’t forget to buy wow mounts and wow gold on!

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Kindly Reminder:Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold.